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11 Creative Ways To Boost Social Media Engagement

Elechi Emekobum By Elechi Emekobum 3 Min Read
boost social media engagements

Almost every business owner wants their businesses to be on social media nowadays. But how well are small businesses using social media for marketing?

To be on social media is not just enough for brands and small businesses nowadays because what matters most nowadays is social media engagement.

We all know that social media is a powerful marketing platform for businesses to exploit. However, businesses will have to do more to be able to get better results on these social media platforms.

Do you really think your business can also benefit from being on social media? Have you got the right resources to make social media work for your business?

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Social media platforms like Facebook and its over 1.5 billion monthly users offer a great avenue to market your business online. With the right social media engagement tools, you can be able to analyze and boost your social media presence.

Creative Ways To Boost Social Media Engagement

The fact is that social media engagement is an important aspect of social media strategy. Mind you, engagement doesn’t always show how many users end up buying from you.

social media engagements
Boost social media engagements

Social media engagement such as shares, likes, and comments can create some kind of viral buzz around your brand and products.

In fact, engagement is a common metric through which businesses evaluate their social media performance. But the problem is that this doesn’t often necessarily translate to sales.

However, it could at least turn out to be a great asset if you have the right social media tools. But you have to be mindful of the fact that improving social media engagement takes a lot of time and effort.


It’s important to engage your audience for your business to succeed on social media. However, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy to increase social media presence.

Courtesy of Branex, the infographic below highlights some time-tested, proven social media engagement tactics to make your content go viral, drive the desired results to your brand’s website.

Creative Ways To Boost Social Media Engagement

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Elechi Emekobum is into health and social care. She loves blogging, content writing, social media, branding, travelling, gadgets, and health products. Check out her other articles on and follow her on Twitter.
  • Elechi, Love your infographic! Great to know Twitter is the preferred method channel for customer engagement 🙂 I also loved the one that people love surprises on social media. Really good info! Definitely worth sharing and a pin too! Found you from BizSugar.
    Have a great day and rest of the week!

    • Lisa: Thanks for the shout to BizSugar! I think it will take a long time before the main brands have incorporated Twitter as a channel for customer engagement. I see positive signs on the North American market. I have a hard time to find great business cases in Scandinavia.

      Talking about brands and social media engagement, the other day I listened, watched and participated (by writing comments in the chat feature on Go To Webinar) in Chris Brogan’s webinar, Brand Yourself.

      All the Best,


  • A big applause bizzsugar for an awesome article that is really enriching my mind worth sharing with my fellow characters

  • Definitely, that is a well-detailed info-graphic on social media engagement. There are many factors involved in engaging users towards your service or product and you have highlighted some new tactics that I was unaware of.

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