6 Free Responsive WordPress Slider Plugins You Can Use On Your Blog

Anthony Williams By Anthony Williams 4 Min Read

Responsive WordPress slider plugins are plugins that can respond to your visitor’s device and perfectly fit into their device’s resolution.

The way people access websites or blogs is fast changing as the popularity of handheld devices such as smartphones, tablets as well as iPad increases.

Nowadays, there are loads of free and commercial responsive WordPress themes that can be used to make your website or blog easily accessible to visitors with handheld devices.

But the problem is that not all the WordPress Plugins are compatible with these responsive WordPress themes.

Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin?

If you are using a responsive WordPress theme on your website or blog and you don’t want to break your visitor’s experience with an old slider that doesn’t respond to devices, then you will need a responsive WordPress slider plugin.

The following list of responsive WordPress slider plugins we have selected will help showcase your content in a mobile-friendly way. So, give it a try and see if you can find a more elegant replacement for your old slider.

#1]. Genesis Responsive Slider

Wordpress Genesis Responsive SliderThis responsive WordPress slider plugin will automatically adjust for the screen size and allows you to display posts or pages. You can select what category to pull from or list specific post IDs of the posts you want to show in the slider.

However, note that this plugin only works within the Genesis framework. So if you are using Genesis child themes, you can enjoy this plugin.

#2]. WP Orbit Slider

WP Orbit SliderWP Orbit is another responsive WordPress slider plugin that you can use on your website. The plugin uses a custom post type for each slide. Install this plugin and you can easily insert a slider.


You can paste a short code into your content or using the template tag call function that can be placed in your theme template. You can check a live demo at: Zurb.

#3]. Arconix Flex Slider

Wordpress Arconix FlexsliderThis is another really good responsive WordPress slider plugin you can download. The Arconix FlexSlider is another version of the FlexSlider jQuery plugin which supports user-selected post types in addition to posts and pages.

When customizing your slider you can select the image sizes, among several options and place it on your site via a widget or a shortcode.

#4]. Flex Slider for WordPress

Wordpress flexsliderThis is a tutorial that will show you how to incorporate the FlexSlider into your WordPress blog as a plugin. The Flex Slider is responsive and includes keyboard shortcuts.

The Flex Slider also works with a swipe on touch screens. Follow the steps in the tutorial to create the plugin or simply download the source files you can work on.

#5]. Theme Blvd News Scroller Widget

Wordpress Theme Blvd News Scroller WidgetThis is another good responsive WordPress slider plugin you can use for your website. This WordPress slider plugin rotates through posts of a specified category.

Because it incorporates a Flex slider, the display is responsive. It also includes tons of options for post dates, excerpts, scrolling, height, the maximum number of posts, and more.

#6]. GPP Slideshow

Wordpress GPP SlideshowThe GPP Slideshow plugin is one of the most attractive responsive sliders available for WordPress. It creates a minimalist image gallery on your post or page using a shortcode.

You can also drop its built-in widget into any widgetized area. Check out the live demo to see it in action.




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Tony is a blogger, content creator, SEO marketer, and internet entrepreneur. He writes articles on various topics. Follow him on Twitter.

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