How To Easily Master Google Search Engine And Become A Power User [Infographic]

Anthony Williams By Anthony Williams 2 Min Read
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No doubt about it, Google search engine is a very complex platform as there are so many hidden features and functionalities that most users don’t know about.

Google search is part of our daily activities; from online shopping to catching up with the latest news, we all use search engines for one thing or the other.

But if you can master Google search engine, you will be able to get better results from your search engine activities. There are some shortcuts that can make it much easier for you to use Google search engine.

Mastering Google search engine and become a power user

Search engines marketing and online advertising

Some people call it Google Search Engine secret but I don’t think so. Well, you can call it the secrets of search too, I don’t really mind.

So how do you master Google search engine and become a power user? How do you get more better and precise results your search engine searches?

The simple shortcuts in the infographic below can help you step up your Google game considerably. These tools and shortcuts can help to create a much easier way to navigate the web.

From using ‘intitle’ option to find topical titles to using the ‘location:’ option to search local businesses, these Google search engine tricks can help you do more and get more. The ‘intitle’ option enables you to search for general words in the article and at the same time searching for a specific word in the title.

Also, the asterisk helps you when you forgot a certain word. Just put an * in place of a word you can’t remember while searching and you will be amazed at the results.


Mastering Google search engine and become a power user


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Tony is a blogger, content creator, SEO marketer, and internet entrepreneur. He writes articles on various topics. Follow him on Twitter.
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