Facebook as a social networking site has become an integral part of our daily activities. But the fact is that there is more to Facebook than the usual social networking functionalities.
With over 1.49 billion monthly active users on the social media site, Facebook has become a goldmine for brand marketing. The social media giant is one of the major competitors to Google Adwords when it comes to advertising revenue.
The amazing journey of Facebook as a social media advertising platform began in 2005, and it has grown to become one of the major players since then.
Secret Facebook marketing features for marketers and brands
Facebook has one of the more complex social media advertising platforms, with a whole array of targeting options.
The platform allows advertisers to target users based on past purchases and demographics, even outside Facebook.
The popularity of Facebook hasn’t reached the peak yet and this is why Facebook will continue to dominate social ecommerce. But the social media platform is constantly being updated with new features and tools that make using the platform as a marketing and business tool easier and more effective.
The problem is that these new features don’t always make a splash in the press, so many of the improvements for users aren’t well know.
If you want to up your Facebook skills, the infographic below by Post Planner showcases some secret Facebook marketing features for marketers and brands such as how to track the activity of your competitors, use post attribution settings, and even save content for future use.