Submit Your Guestposts Articles

Submit your articles for publication on our website
Submit your articles for publication on our website

Submit your guest posts articles on we offer insights and resources for young entrepreneurs and bloggers alike to obtain real financial independence, startup best practices and business growth.

The website features articles on:

  • -Useful tips on entrepreneurship, infographics
  • -Inspirational, motivational and personal development articles
  • -Internet marketing, online marketing, content marketing
  • -Social media, social medial marketing
  • -Startup tips, best practices, business management tips
  • -Ecommerce, shopping, lifestyle tips etc.

We accept guest posts based on the following guidelines:

  • Your post must be original or credits original content owner in case the article is sourced from somewhere else
  • You may not republish the post anywhere else (i.e., in your own blog or as a guest post in other blogs)
  • You must have a website or at least a blog for your article to be approved
  • You can add links to other articles in your post but care must be taken as excessive linking can damage the quality of your post
  • Your article should begin with keyword or contain keywords in the first line of the first paragraph for SEO purpose. Please highlight some of the keywords in your article for easy identification

Please Note:

Please ensure that you provide a link to your thumbnail (like a gravatar, human image please) as the author image for credibility purpose. Sorry, we will not publish your article if it doesn’t come with the author thumbnail.

We only accept guest posts from people that have connection with our blog. Please like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter if you want us to publish your article on time.

Don’t forget to like our Facebook fan page otherwise your article may not be published.

Please send your article to us at [email protected]
